Fast Facts
Ezoic Start: June 2021
Ezoic Level: Access Now
Ezoic Revenue Increase: +42%
EPMV % Increase Since Start: 37%
Top Categories of Content
Product Reviews
Beginner Guides
Ezoic Tools & Features Active
Cloud Suite
Big Data Analytics
Highest EPMV
Top Performing Device

Tennis Shoes Lab’s Story
Owuraku Kusi-Yeboah, or Kuu, began tennisshoeslab.com right as the COVID pandemic began, in March 2020. Kuu watched many different YouTube videos to learn how to develop a website and overcome hosting and WordPress issues and how to include ads on the website.
To monetize the website, Kuu first used Amazon and Awin, but wanted to find more ways to increase the site’s revenue. That is when Kuu learned about Ezoic.
Kuu integrated tennisshoeslab.com with Ezoic in June 2021. Within one month, the site’s revenue increased by 78% and within two months, it had increased by 100%.
Joining Ezoic has been the best decision I have ever made; their support team is awesome and my revenue has doubled.
Highlights from Kuu at Tennisshoeslab.com

Tennisshoeslab.com has received a steady growth in traffic, and Kuu has proudly been able to increase visits by 45%.
Additionally, Kuu enjoys Ezoic’s Big Data Analytics and uses the data to make more informed decision on creating content; by analyzing how content is performing, Kuu can create similar content in the future and improve the site and revenue.
In the future, Kuu plans to build a few more sites and monetize them with Ezoic.
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