Learn How Ezoic Helps Publishers By Providing These Key Resources

Learn How Ezoic Helps Publishers By Providing These Key Resources

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When it comes to monetizing your website and learning about digital publishing, there’s a lot to keep track of. It’s easy to find yourself in a situation where you need some help. At Ezoic, we have multiple resources for helping you, but we know that sometimes it’s difficult to know where to go with which questions. 

One thing that makes Ezoic publishers so successful is that there are multiple free resources that we have created to help every publisher at every size. With so many types of aid and support, we wanted to create a guide to help publishers at every level understand how best to take advantage of the free assistance available to them from Ezoic.

This blog will outline some key benefits that Publisher Success Managers provide to our customers, some things you can do without help from a Publisher Success Manager (especially if you’re in Level 1 or 2), and other resources at your disposal when questions do come up. For a comprehensive video recording from our webinar on the same topic, head here.

We’ll focus on answering a few key questions.

  1. What assistance does Ezoic offer to help my site grow?
  2. What is a Publisher Success Manager?
  3. When should I go to support vs. when should I go to my Publisher Success Manager?
  4. How does assistance available vary by publisher level?
  5. What can my Publisher Success Manager do for me?

1. What assistance does Ezoic offer to help my site grow? 

As we’ll detail later, the support available to each publisher varies by level. This is because as publishers grow, their questions can become more complicated and they need more detailed assistance. However, there are many resources that Ezoic offers that other platforms do not. This is because we have a team of 200+ individuals dedicated to anticipating questions, understanding common areas for improvement, and helping publishers get what they need in order to be successful.

The resources below will likely answer many questions or provide tips on new topics without even needing to open a support ticket or contact your Publisher Success Manager, so these are helpful especially for Access Now, Level 1 and Level 2 publishers.

  • The Support Help Center includes… 
    • The Knowledge Base
      • This is a huge database of support articles on any topic you can think of, all easily searchable.
    • Trainings and Events
      • This tab shows what webinars are coming up soon, along with recording for past webinars our Publisher Success Managers have hosted.
    • Support Community 
      • This is a support forum for Ezoic users to pose support questions to Ezoic support and to other Ezoic users.
  • Office hours with Publisher Success Managers
    • These are hosted twice a week, with the ability to ask live questions on a call.
  • The Ezoic Blog
    • You can head here for breakdowns on all sorts of topics, including troubleshooting EPMV changes, picking the right tech stack and more.
  • The Ezoic YouTube
    • This offers free videos on all sorts of topics. We have recordings of previous webinars, quick how-to videos, explanations of current topics in publishing and more. 

2. What is a Publisher Success Manager?

Our publishers from Levels 3, 4 and VIP get access to something that not many adops operations do. At Ezoic, we have a whole team of individuals called Publisher Success Managers. They act as Account Managers, each one assisting different publishers with specific questions and concerns about their sites. 

A Publisher Success Manager’s goal at Ezoic is to help publishers use the Ezoic Platform to the fullest extent possible through education, building relationships and providing technical support. They support long-term growth for your site and answer detailed, nuanced questions. 

Once you reach Level 3, you will have a dedicated Publisher Success Manager. Prior to Level 3, you will have access to a variety of outlets, like those detailed in the previous section. 

If you have a Publisher Success Manager currently, you will know who they are when you view your Levels Dashboard. There is a small photo accompanying your Publisher Success Manager’s name. There, you can message your Ezoic representative directly, and they can send you important updates through the dashboard. 

3. When should I go to support vs. when should I go to my Publisher Success Manager?

Like we mentioned earlier, we know that questions are inevitable. For publishers with a dedicated Publisher Success Manager, it can be tempting to ask your Publisher Success Manager for help on all things. However, for the best quality and fastest results, it helps to know where to go with what.

This graphic summarizes it all.

The purpose of our support team is to help with urgent, simple, or purely technical queries. This is who you want to turn to for small issues on your site. Think: “Why aren’t ads showing on my site today?” 

A Publisher Success Manager, however, is more focused on growth and strategy for your website. They will be the ones to contact for advice and support on improving your site. Think: “How can I improve my EPMV?” 

4. How does assistance vary by publisher?

With the launch of Levels, we have tried to make it as clear as possible “who gets what” when it comes to assistance from Ezoic. 

One important thing to note here is that Access Now publishers do not have access to support or a Publisher Success Manager. This is because we have a scaled solution for them inside Twist. 

In a nutshell, as publishers level up, they have more assistance from Ezoic. For instance, Level 3 and 4 publishers are going to receive different benefits than those in Level 1 or 2. 

Rather than detail each way the services differ, the graphic below does a good job summarizing how this changes throughout the levels. For more information, you can visit the recording of the webinar that accompanies this blog, or the Ezoic Levels Site.

5. What can my Publisher Success Manager do for me?

In general, your Publisher Success Manager can make sure your site is set up for growth. Read on for some common ways that Publisher Success Managers can assist you in ways that other positions cannot. 

For a full walkthrough of how your Publisher Success Manager can help you, check out this recording.

Your Publisher Success Manager can help you with premium reviews, one-on-one chats to discuss growth strategies for your website, and more. As you move up in levels, they can also help you with more one-on-one consulting to continue growing your website outside of the regularly scheduled reviews. 

Your Publisher Success Manager can also help you analyze data on your site, help with site setups in general, share educational tips and more. You can get in touch with your assigned Publisher Success Manager via the Levels dashboard by hitting “Connect with ____” in the dropdown menu. This will generate a support ticket that will go straight to your Publisher Success Manager, where they can help you further.

At Level 3 and above, publishers will have regular live meetings with their dedicated Publisher Success Manager.

See the chart below for a quick overview of what benefits are available to each level!

In conclusion…

While we know questions will always be part of digital publishing, we do not ever want our publishers to be lost without an answer. We create every resource with publishers in mind. 

Resources can vary by level, and these perks are easy to find in your Levels dashboard or at levels.ezoic.com. 

The main people available at Ezoic to answer your questions are our support team and our Publisher Success Management team. To understand who to turn to for each question, ask yourself if the question is short-term and urgent, or long-term and strategy-based. Short term inquiries go to support, while long-term growth would go to Publisher Success Managers. 

Beyond the people available to help, there are many free resources also available. 

Here are some other helpful links you might want to check out for all things Levels, support, and more:

Linden is a former journalism graduate of the University of Missouri turned social media and content marketer. She speaks fluent English, Spanish, and French and is responsible for Ezoic social marketing strategies.

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