Learn More About Ezoic Grants and Our Recent Recipients


Ezoic grants have been something we’ve wanted to do for a while and the time has finally come.

We’ve been beyond ecstatic with the turnout and reception from our Customer Week in September where we announced grants as a part of the Levels ecosystem.

Now, we can share new data from our recipients, how you can become the next publisher awarded an Ezoic grant and what’s coming up next.

What are the grants?

These grants are designed to accelerate the growth of already growing publishers. We plan to diversify and issue a large volume across the spectrum of Ezoic publishers.

Additionally, it’s important to know the three sectors of Ezoic grants that are awarded – Spark Grants, Growth Grants, and an Incubator Investment.

Below you’ll see the breakdown. More info is available on the Grants page too.

Ezoic grants

When we set out to change how publishers look at themselves and the impact they have in their own community, we wanted to give them everything they need to thrive in the world of digital publishing.

We’re buzzing about giving grants to publishers and couldn’t be more eager to see where this can take all of you.

Now we’ll look at who’s received them at this moment in time as well as how you can increase your likelihood.

Who’s recieved grants?

Grants from Ezoic are available to all Ezoic customers, regardless of geography or level (even international markets that may not currently have access to Ezoic Levels).

It has only been a short period of time after Levels and grants have been announced, but we’ve already accepted over 175 publishers and directly awarded them with $3.5M with grants and investments.

It’s been pretty awesome to already see the positive feedback and what customers are planning to use their grant money towards.

If you’re wondering what you would use the funds for, stay tuned because we will have more content from publishers on what specifically they’ve invested in and how it’s helped.

Stats and inspiration

Let’s look at some of the publishers who’ve been awarded grants and what they’ve been doing to get there.

Below is a table showing positive month over month change in pageviews. There’s an immense amount of analytics to look at, but by and large an indicator of how your site is doing is pageviews.

This is just a small portion of the publishers selected, but this group at the top are all-stars!

As you can see, the pageviews come in a wide array of tiers – from publishers getting their first few dozens, into hundreds of pageviews, as well as the publishers cracking the six-figure threshold!

This is incredibly powerful to see and a great goal to set for yourselves.

Level Up Learning Program

If you’re asking yourself, how do I give myself a better opportunity to earn grants from Ezoic, here’s your answer.

The Level Up Learning Program is another new installment that’s designed for Ezoic publishers to take their website or business beyond the next level.

Classes happen in one-month intervals and include educational exercises, coaching, walk-throughs, and community discussions.

A huge advantage of this program is the even more close-knit community that comes with it. Learn and discuss the impact of strategies together with other Ezoic publishers. See what others have done successfully or discover new emerging techniques that might be helpful for your business.

October’s class has already begun, but look out for the next.

Front and center in your Levels Dashboard is where you’ll find the spot to sign up for the next class that starts on November 1st. It’s filling up quickly so make sure to get a spot!

Apply for grants as you learn

Discover opportunities to apply for Ezoic grants and direct cash funding throughout the program. Submit information about your experiences and provide insights that could help your site(s) secure a cash grant from Ezoic.

More tips towards being awarded for grant

1.) Use Ezoic tools and features

The longer a publisher is using Ezoic, the greater the chances are that they’ll grow and/or have access to programs where they can apply or become eligible for grants.

2.) Grow your audience

A major part of grant initiatives is to invest in publishers that are producing content and marketing their sites effectively. Growth grant applications are sent automatically to sites with strong audience growth 2-3x per month.

3.) Join Ezoic programs designed to help growth

Currently, there are only two programs that offer grant application opportunities. Access Now, for new publishers and the aforementioned Level-Up Learning which is optional and available to join inside the Levels dashboard for Level 1 and up.

4.) Apply when opportunities emerge

Ezoic will notify customers anytime a new grant opportunity exists for them, or inside of specific programs, and publishers should use every opportunity to apply to increase their chances of a grant award.

Keep up the great work and you’re bound to find one of these in your inbox!

Just the beginning

As we alluded to earlier, this is a thrilling time for everyone at Ezoic. We’re excited to share all these opportunities with our publishers and give them the tools they need to build their website.

We’re only getting started but we’ll have much more content revolving around grants as well as the chance for publishers to tell their stories.

What a fantastic moment to be a part of Ezoic!

We’ll provide updates regularly on the number and amounts so everyone can celebrate with those that have received Ezoic grants.

Additionally, you can read more about the $12.4 million investment in the press!

Leave comments on what you’re hoping to get out of the Ezoic grants initiative or any other questions you may have.

erik anson

By Erik Anson

Erik is a digital marketing and content creation expert. Erik has consulted and developed media for brands, earning accolades for his agile tactics and lean marketing approaches.

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