Online Christmas


Have Some Christmas Fun With Ezoic!

Top 5 Christmas Holiday Season Websites for 2015

The Christmas and holiday season are a time to relax a little.  Many publishers have had a busy year optimizing their AdSense revenue, trying to improve their SEO and keywords and adding valuable content.  Now it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labor.  So here are a few nice sites to help you get into the festive mood and spend some quality time with your computer!


This is a nice site with some quality information Christmas traditions and customs and how they differ in various countries and regions.  It’s a great site for getting children of different backgrounds to share their own traditions and find out about one another at a time of year when peace on earth is in focus.  A super valuable resource for families, schools, church and youth groups.

There is lots of information on this site to get you ready to bake mince pies, wrap presents and start to let that wonderful Christmas spirit into your home.  This site has stories, poems, carols and song lyrics, Christmas traditions, recipes for Christmas goodies and much more to get you into a festive mood. There’s also a countdown to Christmas to get the kids (and some grown-ups) excited as the day approaches.


This is a super simple, but fun site.  Children can find out a little about the history of Christmas traditions, have a chat with Santa and find some funny Santa related jokes.  Adults can have some fun too by challenging Santabot with some perplexing questions!  


This is a really cool site that should keep your kids entertained.  Children who want to know whether they are on Santa’s ‘good list’ choose an elf from the 6 available to chat with.  Sensitive to safe internet use and COPPA compliant, choosing an elf reveals a page where the child must input their parent or guardian’s email.  An access code is sent to that email address and the child can use the code sent there to begin their chats.  It’s free, but you can buy a personalized letter on completion.


I have saved what I think to be the best for last here – 2015 is the 60th Anniversary of NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command, tracking Santa’s progress as he travels from the North Pole, all around the world delivering gifts to children who have been good this year.  The site is packed with games. Videos, stories and information about the Command presented in a friendly, unthreatening way.  Even the International Space Station is linked into NORAD’s tracker – until Star Trek Command launches their version, this is the best Santa tracker bar none!



john cole

By John Cole

John is the Chief Customer Officer of Ezoic. John was a founding Director of Media Run Group – which founded several online businesses in the mid 2000s (Media Run Search, Media Run Ad Network, and Blowfish Digital Ad Agency). Following the acquisition of Media Run Ad Network by Adknowledge Inc in Oct 2007, John managed the Adknowledge Social Games division in Europe prior to becoming a Director of Ezoic.

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