Publisher Profile

Dan Richardson

Fast Facts

Ezoic Start: September 2020

Ezoic Level: 4

Ezoic Revenue Increase Over Past Year: +1,254%

EPMV % Increase Over Past Year: 68%

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Dan’s Story

Dan Richardson owns and operates He wanted to create a site that was easy to navigate, simple to use, and offered clear concise answers to all the questions anyone may ever ask about pigeons, essentially a pigeon wiki – hence the name he settled on of Pigeonpedia.

The site was started in January 2020 and now along with Dan, his teammates Denise and Cristina also provide the written content. Dan Richardson makes his living from his portfolio of sites and he notes that Ezoic has played a big part in making that a possibility.

Ads slowing down my site were one of the primary concerns that made me hesitant to try ads. Ezoic is well aware of this concern and earlier this year bought out their groundbreaking Leap technology. Effectively Leap auto optimizes your site speed to significantly improve it. Thankfully Leap has me covered for Core Web Vitals too.

Learn how Dan’s experience with Ezoic has helped him increase his traffic and revenue well getting faster site speed. Dan is able to rely on his sites for his main source of income to supporty his family. Any apprehensions he had were disproven quickly and now he has a far more enjoyable experience as a publisher.

Read about Dan’s experience →

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