Fast Facts
Ezoic Start: September 2021
Ezoic Level: 1
Ezoic Revenue Increase: +226%
Top Visiting Countries
United States
Ezoic Tools & Features Active
Cloud Caching
Big Data Analytics
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Highest EPMV
Best Performing Ads Per Page

Gareth’s Story
Gareth Williams owns and operates www.cadblocksfree.com. Based in England, UK, Gareth works as the CAD marketing manager. If you’re unfamiliar, CAD is computer-aided design that’s commonly used by architects, engineers, and construction managers. Gareth started the online CAD website in 2012 to attract users to his other website which was providing professional CAD services in the architectural sector. After launching CAD Blocks Free, Gareth realized the level of traffic coming to the site was growing very quickly.
In 2021 Gareth and his team redesigned the website which was a bit painful. This lofty task, in addition to the poor relationship with their previous ad ops shop, put them in a bad spot. After researching other ad partners, they were approached by Ezoic. Within a matter of days, they saw a huge increase in revenue and it’s still continuing.
If you have a website and are not generating the ad revenue you expect please try Ezoic! You will not be disappointed. I am gutted I didn’t try Ezoic years ago as I have lost thousands on the table with other ad partners!
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