Publisher Profile

Sharon Gourlay

Fast Facts

Ezoic Start: June 2019

Ezoic Level: 3

Ezoic Revenue Increase: +712%

EPMV % Increase Over 1 Year: +12%

Ezoic Tools & Features Active


Big Data Analytics

Levels Dashboard

Top Audience Locations


Redang Island

Tioman Island

Port Dickson

Highest EPMV


Top Device Type


Sharon’s Story

Sharon Gourlay owns and operates along with a plethora of other travel sites. Based in Melbourne, Australia, Sharon has travelled the country of Malaysia extensively as well as lived in Penang with her young family.

Sharon and her husband had previously worked as full-time family travel bloggers but are happier now just focusing on their love of Malaysia, the Philippines and Tasmania. She works full-time on her sites and always aims to share the most useful information possible.

“Ezoic is awesome! Quick and easy to get started and to use with fabulous support. With barely any effort, I have increased my ad revenue by 508%!”

Learn about Sharon’s incredible journey with Ezoic thus far and her 508% earnings increase. She goes in depth with her day to day workflow, including her close relationship with onboarding and publisher success managers.

Read about Sharon’s experience →

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