Can Small Websites With Low Domain Authority Outrank Large Sites?

Can Small Websites With Low Domain Authority Outrank Large Sites?

Can Small Websites With Low Domain Authority Outrank Large Sites In Google?

With Google regularly announcing new core algorithm updates, one of the most common things I hear from independent web publishers is their concern that search results are becoming increasingly dominated by large websites. There is a fear that small or medium-sized will lose the ability to compete over time with behemoths like Wikipedia or fast-growing brands like Buzzfeed or Mashable.

Large sites obviously have a much higher domain authority — a composite industry measurement of website age, credibility, and size — than smaller websites. This begs the question, “can small websites with low domain authority outrank large sites?”

While we can always find examples of a small site appearing above a larger one in certain Google search results, most publishers believe that large websites are becoming an ever-more increasing staple at the top of all search results.

Below, I’ll highlight why I data shows this is likely not the case. Furthermore, I’ll share some details on why smaller sites might actually have an advantage over larger sites and how publishers can maximize this advantage to the best of their ability.

Watch me break this down on Ezoic Explains

Do large websites dominate Google search results?

While it may seem like large websites are always at the top of Google search results, the truth is that search results grow more and more diverse each year. This means that large sites lose more real estate to smaller sites, medium-sized sites, rich snippets, video content, and other types of search results every year.

do large websites dominate google search results

Confirmation bias is likely one of the reasons that many people inaccurately believe that larger websites are becoming increasingly more common at the top of Google search results. As we can see above, a simple search for a high volume query leads us to a search engine results page (SERP) filled with large websites with high Moz domain authority scores.

There are few reasons why it is common to see this, but one of the most obvious is that large sites rank highly for lots of keywords and it is probable that searcher sees that same site at the top of lots of different results.

small website outrank larger ones

seo and domain authority

In 2018, small-medium-sized websites that directly competed with Alexa top 1,000 sites saw an average increase of 34% in organic traffic. What’s more, these sites produced about 1/8 as much new content while still adding over 1,312 new organic keywords over the course of the year.

In the results of the study we shared above, we found that Alexa top 1,000 publishers saw an average decline of 14% in their organic website traffic (primarily from Google). Less than 20% of these large publishers saw any growth at all. In fact, most saw their organic keyword rankings drop by approximately 26%.

This means that it is growingly likely that publishers with lower domain authority scores will continue to disrupt larger brands with more established domain and page authority

What is domain authority and how much does it matter?

Domain authority is a concept based around language inside one of Google’s original search patents. Famously, Google coined a phrase known as PageRank to describe its proprietary measurement of a website’s authority on a topic and credibility to rank that content accordingly. This expanded into the SEO industry as many early experts and SEO software companies used the patent filing to compile their own composite scores that included measurements of domain age, backlinks, existing content rankings, and more.

moz domain authority

SEO software provider, Moz, has since established one of the most well-known and referenced domain authority scores. Web publishers can install the Moz Chrome extension for free and easily see domain and page authority scores — as calculated according to Moz’s particular methodology — in search results and on any web pages they are visiting.

It is very important to point out that Google does not share any scoring or domain authority criteria externally. 3rd parties, like Moz, are simple reverse-engineering their best guess at the types of things Google is looking at to establish domain authority and assigning an indexed score to that criteria.

Moz’s domain authority score has no effect on actual website rankings in search results. Furthermore, the impact of domain and page authority of website rankings seems to vary quite a bit depending on the search query. There are a number of hypotheses’ on why it might work this way, but it seems like domain authority is not massively important for some search queries but might be a major factor for others.

importance of website domain authority

We’ve talked about domain authority before and why it is a concept worth investing time and energy into improving; however, things like domain age, backlinks, and existing rankings are not things publishers can typically affect quickly.

How do sites with lower domain authority compete?

There are a couple of interesting takeaways from our study of large brand publishers that competed directly in results against smaller publishers. One of the biggest differences was in the content itself. On average, the smaller publishers generally wrote longer form content that dove a little deeper into specific topics. Additionally, many of the smaller publisher results included titles with the phrases “how to” or “who is”.

importance of domain authority on content rankings in google

Large publishers had far more backlinks and included much longer titles for a lot of their content. Additionally, they often featured a lot of rich media like video, slideshows, and image galleries that contributed to the lower overall wordcounts.

A recent study by Backlinko may help us better understand why these smaller publishers often have content that outranks the larger publishers. In the study, you can see that the longer more complex titles will often perform better on social media but not as well in Google search. Yet, the “how to” posts will often receive far more quality backlinks for specific posts (giving the small publishers a needed edge in an area they might normally struggle to compete against large publishers in).

small website ranking higher than a large one

Lastly, we can see that the types of titles that perform best on social platforms do not perform as well in organic search.

What does this have to do with large publishers having their organic search traffic disrupted by smaller publishers? Quite a lot actually.

Large publishers have a much broader audience and are often thinking about traffic diversity beyond Google search. They are trying to grow newsletters, logged in users, subscribers, social followers, and more. This means creating content that attracts audiences on a lot of platforms outside of search. This broad focus allows smaller publishers to focus on content that is designed and optimized for Google search.

This essentially gives small publishers a unique sort of advantage when it comes to competing for a ranking position in search results versus larger publishers.

What can publishers do with this information?

I think one of the most important things to take away from this data is that if you’re a small or medium-sized publisher, there’s no reason to believe that large publishers or other high-domain authority sites are going to push your site out of search results. In fact, it is more likely that Google itself will push your results off of the search page; rather than another publisher.

No matter if you’re a large publisher or a small one, there are probably a few things that the data tells us you can do to ensure that you maintain successful keyword rankings and organic traffic growth…

1.) Strategically create detailed and expertly-written content

Not every article has to be a 5,000-word deep dive into a topic or subject. However, your content is your most important asset in your efforts to rank higher in search results.

Is it the best result for the queries you’re targeting?

Is the title reflective of something that searchers would click on to answer their search query?

Is the content detailed enough to answer all forms of the question — and any additional long-tail iterations?

seo for articles

Typing in the query to Google search and reviewing the “people also ask” boxes is a great way to help formulate H2’s and additional paragraphs, images, and topics you may want to cover within an article. You may even find whole sections of content that could help you write a better article or uncover affiliate revenue opportunities.

2.) Worry less about backlinks and domain authority

If there was one big takeaway from this study to me it was that backlinks continue to be overrated. That is not at all to say that they aren’t important for SEO. Backlinks are just particularly hard to gain and measure in a manner that is objectively healthy for your website.

While there are certainly publishers and webmasters that have built backlinks quickly and efficiently, one of the best ways to get ahead in search is by focusing on data-driven content production.

3.) Write content for your audience

Many of the larger publishers seem to struggle with maintaining a search-centric form of content production. This is often why the smaller publishers can build-out content that is a better fit for searchers. Thinking strategically can help you stay ahead of the game.

While this comes back to point #1 about maintaining a data-driven approach to content production, it is important to also keep in mind who you’re writing for. I don’t just mean the people reading, I mean the platform in which they’ll be discovering your content.

People using Google search are often seeking answers vs. looking for something interesting to read.

Someone looking for answers is much more likely to click on a title like, “How to properly give a cat a bath” than “9 ways you SHOULDN’T wash your cat” (as enticing as that might seem).

Why is it important to understand domain authority and rankings?

In 2017, I knew a popular online publisher that was convinced that Google was serving more and more top results to larger sites in their niche. They had specialized in digital marketing prior to owning several publishing properties of their own and were sure they needed to alter their strategy.

After two months of declines in organic traffic, they decided to convert all of their top organic landing pages to slideshows to better capitalize on growing Facebook traffic.

facebook traffic vs google traffic

Since 2017, Facebook organic reach from publisher pages has declined an estimated 150%. This publisher watched organic traffic completely bottom out after the change. Meanwhile, Facebook traffic dwindled as reach was pulled back by the platform.

This publisher ultimately saw their revenue reduced to 1/6 of what it was prior to the change. Their decision was based on a faulty premise and it cost them dearly.

On the other side of the spectrum, independent publisher Saul McLeod, from, was a lifelong psychologist and university professor. He started a website with little knowledge of online publishing and uploaded his expertly-written articles on psychology to his site over time. Over that time period, Saul’s site has grown exponentially and commonly outranks sites like Wikipedia and other major brand publications for high volume search queries.

publishing and domain authority

organic rankings

Will smaller sites always be able to outrank larger ones?

That is hard to say for sure. So far, Google has trended towards indexing a larger and larger number of sites every year. This means more potential results overall. Additionally, this has paralleled a trend in which results have continued to diversify away from a small number of large sites gobbling up all of Google’s organic search traffic.

This actually has forced some large publishers to question whether or not Google may be capping the amount of traffic they are willing to send some websites.

No matter what kind of publisher you are, the data above is more representative of what types of content Google is looking for than what types of sites it is looking position in search results. Publishers that build content for search are the ones most likely to continue benefiting. This means writing content for people using the search engines, not the search engines themselves.

Questions, thoughts, additionals comments? Leave them below and I’ll chime in.

tyler bishop

By Tyler Bishop

Tyler is an award-winning digital marketer, founder of Pubtelligence, CMO of Ezoic, SEO speaker, successful start-up founder, and well-known publishing industry personality.


  1. Love this article hits the spot of exactly where I am. I make niche based goth and biker bracelets and accessories. Some key words are competitive. I have no domain authority and basically no backlinks. New domain name and in two months I’m ahead of amazon and ebay for my main search terms: ‘bike chain bracelets’ and bike chain jewelry. Currently on page 2 of google for these terms and no1 on Bing. These are not high traffic key words but I’m creeping up on some high volume organic keywords associated. Thought it was interesting that your article hit home. I do have more content I noticed than the other big players within this biker jewelry market niche product. Great article look forward to reading more and would love some insight.

  2. Love this article hits the spot of exactly where I am. I make niche based goth and biker bracelets and accessories. Some key words are competitive. I have no domain authority and basically no backlinks. New domain name and in two months I’m ahead of amazon and ebay for my main search terms: ‘bike chain bracelets’ and bike chain jewelry. Currently on page 2 of google for these terms and no1 on Bing. These are not high traffic key words but I’m creeping up on some high volume organic keywords associated. Thought it was interesting that your article hit home. I do have more content I noticed than the other big players within this biker jewelry market niche product. Great article look forward to reading more and would love some insight.

  3. Very good article! Indeed, in my experience smaller websites are able to compete with large, high domain authority websites. I recently launched a website (1 month ago) and I am able to compete with larger websites on a couple of keywords, but only where my page has at least 5 x better content, 5 x more detailed content, 5 x more extensive content and when it also covers all the “people also asked items” while the high authority website does not cover these topics. Also, these are the cases when the high authority websites have pages of lame content and I am talking about low traffic – medium traffic keywords. I am not able to outrank high authority websites yet on high traffic keywords…not sure if I ever will.But your article gives me hope.

  4. Very good article! Indeed, in my experience smaller websites are able to compete with large, high domain authority websites. I recently launched a website (1 month ago) and I am able to compete with larger websites on a couple of keywords, but only where my page has at least 5 x better content, 5 x more detailed content, 5 x more extensive content and when it also covers all the “people also asked items” while the high authority website does not cover these topics. Also, these are the cases when the high authority websites have pages of lame content and I am talking about low traffic – medium traffic keywords. I am not able to outrank high authority websites yet on high traffic keywords…not sure if I ever will.But your article gives me hope.

  5. I Love this article . I make blog based on YouTube and blogging and biker bracelets and others related niche . Some key words are competitive. I have a domain authority of 3 and basically no backlinks. But for some keywords I am able to rank in top 10.but These are not high traffic key words but I still learning.thanks

  6. I Love this article . I make blog based on YouTube and blogging and biker bracelets and others related niche . Some key words are competitive. I have a domain authority of 3 and basically no backlinks. But for some keywords I am able to rank in top 10.but These are not high traffic key words but I still learning.thanks

  7. I have noticed several times that pages with high domain authority and page authority sometimes rank lower. This means these are not the only factors and I really believe that content matters the most and the saying that “Content is king” is absolutely true. But it requires the way how you put it. Nice article!

  8. I have noticed several times that pages with high domain authority and page authority sometimes rank lower. This means these are not the only factors and I really believe that content matters the most and the saying that “Content is king” is absolutely true. But it requires the way how you put it. Nice article!

  9. Great article and love the video. I understand what you are saying, but I work in the digital marketing industry and constantly see sites with higher DA out rank sites with better content and more backlinks. Simply the age and power of their site gives them a leg up against newer websites.

  10. Great article and love the video. I understand what you are saying, but I work in the digital marketing industry and constantly see sites with higher DA out rank sites with better content and more backlinks. Simply the age and power of their site gives them a leg up against newer websites.

  11. I think it is possible to outrank the large sites even with the low authority websites. This article sums up it all. And covers almost all the points. Thanks for sharing this.

  12. I think it is possible to outrank the large sites even with the low authority websites. This article sums up it all. And covers almost all the points. Thanks for sharing this.

  13. Very good article! Indeed, in my experience smaller websites are able to compete with large, high domain authority websites. I recently launched a website (1 month ago) and I am able to compete with larger websites on a couple of keywords, but only where my page has at least 5 x better content, 5 x more detailed content, 5 x more extensive content and when it also covers all the “people also asked items” while the high authority website does not cover these topics. Also, these are the cases when the high authority websites have pages of lame content and I am talking about low traffic

  14. Very good article! Indeed, in my experience smaller websites are able to compete with large, high domain authority websites. I recently launched a website (1 month ago) and I am able to compete with larger websites on a couple of keywords, but only where my page has at least 5 x better content, 5 x more detailed content, 5 x more extensive content and when it also covers all the “people also asked items” while the high authority website does not cover these topics. Also, these are the cases when the high authority websites have pages of lame content and I am talking about low traffic

  15. I would really be interested in a study where you analyze the service industry. I’ve noticed it is extremely difficult to outrank sites that have been around for many more years (established businesses). And I am not referring to Yelp, HomeAdvisor, Angie’s List, or the like (although still difficult to outrank these, but not impossible). I’m referring to actual local businesses who started a website 10 or 15 years ago! Even if my onpage is better, they’re hard to outrank. Any thoughts on this? Anyone?

  16. I would really be interested in a study where you analyze the service industry. I’ve noticed it is extremely difficult to outrank sites that have been around for many more years (established businesses). And I am not referring to Yelp, HomeAdvisor, Angie’s List, or the like (although still difficult to outrank these, but not impossible). I’m referring to actual local businesses who started a website 10 or 15 years ago! Even if my onpage is better, they’re hard to outrank. Any thoughts on this? Anyone?

  17. Have a question, please reply. I have a website ( I searched on google, the keyword I want to rank for, i.e “oven for baking”. And I found a site with the name “ ” on 7th rank. Also, I don’t know why this site is able to rank this high organically with very little content. Checked it on ubersuggest also. It ranks well organically, despite 1 DA. Why? Its competitor “” has much high domain authority but it ranks lower.

  18. Have a question, please reply. I have a website ( I searched on google, the keyword I want to rank for, i.e “oven for baking”. And I found a site with the name “ ” on 7th rank. Also, I don’t know why this site is able to rank this high organically with very little content. Checked it on ubersuggest also. It ranks well organically, despite 1 DA. Why? Its competitor “” has much high domain authority but it ranks lower.

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